What is an Estate Plan and How Do I Know If I Need One?
“My estate isn’t complicated. I don’t need an estate plan.” Is this you? If you have family or friends or charities you care about, then this is not you. Even if you own nothing. That’s right, nothing. Creating an estate plan is a little bit about you and a lot about the people you love. It’s a little bit about transferring assets in a tax efficient way, and even more about protecting those you love from conflict, hassle, stress, court proceedings, expense, creditors, scammers and so much more.
The best way to understand how an estate plan can benefit you and your loved ones is to speak with an estate planning attorney. Find out what will happen with your finances if you can’t handle them due to illness. Find out who will make health care decisions for you if you’re not able to communicate your choices. Find out what will happen to your minor children if you’re in a car accident and can’t pick them up from school. Find out who will get your assets when you die… and how… and when… and after doing what?
Estate planning makes a difference. Contact us today to learn how.