Dear High School Seniors
There is a lot changing in your lives right now. You’re becoming adults and many of you will be leaving home for the first time. Independence is exciting, but there are still facets of your life that your parents need to be involved in. One of those is helping to protect you in the case of a medical emergency.
Once you turn eighteen in Minnesota, your parents no longer have access to your medical information and decision making. Imagine that you are away at college and are involved in a serious car accident. You are rushed to the hospital, unconscious. Your roommate provides the doctors with your parents’ phone number, but the only information your parents are told is that you are in the hospital and nothing more. Imagine the worry and stress and agony your parents would feel.
There is an easy solution. Once you turn eighteen, you should execute a Health Care Directive as well as a HIPAA waiver. These documents will allow you to choose a health care agent who is authorized to make healthcare decisions and access your medical records if you are not able to speak for yourself. By executing a Health Care Directive that names your parents as your health care agents, you can be sure that you have your very best advocates in place, and your parents can rest assured that they will be kept fully informed if something terrible happens.
Welcome to adulthood… enjoy your independence, but also be sure that you have a plan in place!